Tom Schiller
From the age of 11, Tom Schiller knew he wanted to be a director, forcing kids on his block to watch his first short, The Door, repeatedly. And charging admission. Growing up on the set of I Love Lucy - his dad was a writer -further fueled his desire to entertain. After a stint working with the designers Eames, Tom apprenticed with filmmaker Robert Snyder on Buckminster Fuller, Anais Nin and de Kooning documentaries before directing his own Henry Miller Asleep & Awake. This logically led to a job on Saturday Night Live. He doesn't understand it either.
As an original writer during the first five years of SNL, among other sketches, Tom can lay claim to �Samurai� and the short film segments collectively known as �Schiller�s Reel.� During his 11 year connection with the show, he won several Writer�s Guild awards and three Emmys. Tom went on to write and direct an MGM feature entitled Nothing Lasts Forever, starring an impressive cast including Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. The film was never released in the states but has developed an underground cult following in the Netherlands. Despite the title, NLF continues to be honored with the occasional screening, including Lincoln Center, BAM, Cinefamily Hollywood and the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin.
Schiller now finds great satisfaction in directing commercials. Combining his filmmaking expertise with a unique sense of humor, Tom helps to create 30 second gems that delight TV viewers and make millions of dollars for clients. His award winning advertising work has garnered him three Cannes Lions, several Clio awards and the International ANDY Award of Excellence twice. He doesn't understand it either.