Jeannette Godoy
The truly gorgeous spot for Bridgestone Tires entitled “A Boy and His Tire” marks Jeannette Godoy’s directorial debut.  It is visual storytelling at its best.
Ms. Godoy brings an eclectic resume to her director's chair.  Jeannette started her career as a Choreographer, creating both elegant and energetic dance moves for commercials, television, feature films, concert tours and music videos.  She is most known for Sir Mix-A-Lot’s famous video “Baby Got Back.”
Jeannette has worked on set as a Stylist for both motion pictures and commercials, collaborating alongside the industry’s best.  She’s always in demand due to her commitment to detail and perfection.  It was her creative process and discerning eye that led many of her directors to encourage her to take the helm herself.
Earlier this year, on the set of a Mazda job for Doner, the bilingual Ms. Godoy was asked to step in to direct the Spanish-speaking talent.  Once bitten, Jeannette began looking for the perfect script to launch her career as a director.  This year, Jeannette was selected to �Shoot� Magazine�s New Director Showcase for 2011.  She received the "Young Director Award" at the Cannes International Advertising Festival.  She was also profiled as an up-and-coming Director in �Shots.�
Shoot Magazine - Up-And-Coming Directors: Jeannette Godoy
Shots Magazine - New Director Profiles: Jeannette Godoy